A Beginner’s Guide to the Flower Girl Concept!


Although alternatives will be discussed afterwards, flower girls are optional for the big event, so if you choose to follow tradition, there may be some concerns.

Who ought to be the wedding flower girl, for instance? What outfit can they wear? What age must they be, too?

The Evolution associated with Flower Girls

Little girls were frequently featured in the bridal procession by wealthy Greeks and Romans. People would follow the bride while “showering her route with oats and herbs,” symbolizing their collective wish for her to be able to have children like the ones throwing oats rather than be resigned to an existence of barren despair.

Flower girls began carrying threads of garlic instead of flowers & grains throughout the Renaissance. Their newlyweds were thought to be safe from bad spirits thanks to the cloves.

Victoria Period: This period’s flower girl was the one who most closely resembles the modern flower girl. She usually wore white clothing and a colorful belt around her midsection.

The clothing was often made of cotton and had a straightforward style so it could be used again in the event of an emergency.

The Victorian girl symbolized unending love by carrying an arrangement of fresh flowers or a flower hoop that mimicked the wedding ring.

What Would Typically A Flower Girl Wear?

Nowadays, there is much more freedom in selecting a flower girl outfit that complements the wedding’s décor, the couple’s personalities, and each flower girl’s particular preferences.

Nevertheless, it is customary for flower girls to wear floor-length or ball gown gowns. These gowns are typically elaborate and created utilizing time-honored techniques like stitching and fagoting. The attire should, above all else, capture the beauty and significance of the wedding event!

Who chooses your flower girl’s attire?

The flower girl’s outfit is often chosen by the soon-to-be newlyweds so that she can coordinate with their wedding colors and occasionally the wedding party.

Some spouses are more accommodating and don’t object if a flower girl’s family pick the outfit insofar as it ties in anyhow with the wedding’s overall theme.

What Age Must the Flower Girl (or Girls) Be?

There aren’t any hard-and-fast guidelines here, although if you want to follow custom, the Flower Girl ought to be the youngster person in the bridal party, often between the years of 4 and 8.

If you’re thinking about someone a bit younger, perhaps one of their family members might travel with them to help make sure everything goes smoothly!


The flower girl’s gown’ embellishments at many weddings are what distinguish it from a typical item of formal attire.

A colourful sash or string, for instance, may instantly make a plain dress match the other bridal party members’ outfits. Also typical are floral headbands.

Obviously, the flower girl’s cart or bouquet, in addition to the hues and patterns of any flowers she drops, serve as the item that most readily distinguishes her.

Selecting the flower girl dresses

Considerations for selecting the ideal flower girl gown colour include the wedding themes, the time of year, the location, and the bride’s attire.

Due to their ageless appeal, traditional choices like ivory, white, pink, and champagne continue to be popular. Bold and colourful hues, however, like blue, the colours lavender and green provide a modern touch.

The flower girl’s outfit should go well with the wedding decor, bridesmaids’ outfits, signs, and atmosphere as a whole.

  • Conventional Weddings: Basic white flower girl dresses are a classy and timeless option for more conventional weddings. They are the epitome of pure innocence, ideally fitting for the situation.
  • Unconventional Weddings: If you’re having a different wedding, you might want to choose a dress that better represents your personality as two people. This enables you to deviate from tradition and give the flower girl’s outfit a unique touch.

The hue you select should eventually convey your idea for the big day and produce a unified, aesthetically attractive style.

Remember to take into account how this flower girl attire will contrast with other components, like the bride’s gown, bridesmaid attire, and centrepieces. Strive for an elegant and beautiful wedding party composition that is picture-perfect.

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